The Centre has got the approval for forming 150-200 SHGs in Chittor, Nimbaheda and Bhadesar blocks of Chittorgarh district. The project is being funded by the Zila Parishad under Swarn Jayanti Grameen Swa Rojgar Yojna (SGSY) scheme of the Government of India and the duration would be 2-3 years. The project will cover below poverty level (BPL) communities. The objective of the project is to empower weaker sections of the society, linking them with income-generating activities and make them self-reliant.
The SGSY was started on April 01, 1999. The Government of India closed the previous programmes, such as the Integarted Rural Development Project (IRDP), Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM), Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA), Cornell Institute for Translational Research on Aging (CITRA), Ganga Kalyan Yojna and Jeewan Dhara and started the SGSY programme.
- establishing small-scale industries, based on the capacity of the local poor and the availability of local resources
- mobilising income-generating resources for families of BPL, through grant and other resources
- enhancing the monthly income of the targeted families to Rs 2,000 (not including monthly loan repayment amount)
- benefiting the BPL families.
Major Activities
- Identification of most backward habitation in the Gram Panchayat, building rapport with them and developing clear understanding of the socio-economic profile of the people and the area
- Identification of BPL families, as per the BPL list of Government of India
- Diagnosis and strengthening of the existing groups and formation of new groups, as per SGSY guidelines
- Training and capacity building of the groups in group management and other collective activities
- Help establish linkages with banks for meeting their credit requirements
- Selection of income-generating activities, conducting training on entrepreneurship skills, developing market linkages and linking target groups with them
- Look for backward and forward linkages.
Stakeholder in the Programme
Primary Stakeholders
- Village panchayat members
- Community and religious leader
- Village-level institutions
- Members of SHGs
- Local leaders
- Youth clubs
- Farmers
- NGO workers
- Government officials
- Secondary Stakeholders
- Contractors
- Health workers – dias and anganbari workers
- Teachers
- Local businessmen.
Secondary Stakeholders
The Centre will adopt certain methodologies for sustainable functioning of groups. The broad activities would be as follows:
- Staff orientation programme will be conducted on group dynamics and concept of SHGs for new staff, which will be conducted by experienced CUTS CHD trainers.
- For mobilising women and other villagers, street plays will be performed. The help of village elders will be taken for environment conservation activities. Subsequently, chaupal baithaks and gram baithaks will be conducted. TV and video movies will be shown about the successful case studies on SHGs to encourage them for forming SHGs at their own level. Simultaneously, members with leadership qualities will also be identified.
- One Refresher Training programme will be conducted for the SHG leaders.
- Training programmes will be organised by key members of CHD staff, independent and external experts on the meaning of SHG, the need for savings, group solidarity and book-keeping.
- Regular monthly meetings of SHGs will be ensured. CHD staff and its net workers will undertake subsequent monitoring and supervision for sustainability of groups. SHGs will be linked then with the local financial institutions.
- Assessment will be done from time to time to analyse the impact of the intervention measures.
- Each of these groups will be provided with three registers – member and meeting register savings and credit register and individual savings pass book.
- Follow-up of the project intervention will be done through chaupal and gram baithaks, at least once in a month.
- Documentation will be a continual and on-going process. Project interventions, learning and actions for sustainability would be regularly recorded.
- All SHGs will be linked with banks.
- A report incorporating the project learning will be prepared at the end of the project period.
Expected Outcome
At the end of a year-and-a-half year of the project period, at least 120 SHGs would start functioning actively. These SHGs would have loan linkages with banks.
Quality of life (with ‘improved problem-sharing, better health status, improved earning and greater mutual help’ as key indicators) would significantly improve. Dependency on costly and unviable loans would decrease.
Time Schedule
The duration of the project will be of three years, though the project can be finished before the stipulated project time period. The project has started from the month of June 2008.
Project-implementing Staff
Currently, three staff members are working at the block level as block officers. One supervisor is leading the project at the district level. The overall supervision of the project is done by the project head from CHD office, based at Chittorgarh. There is one animator in each panchayat, the total number of animators is forty. Eighty percent of these animators are women.