20 to 23 October 2016
- To learn about advance technique in animal husbandry including dairy farming;
- Selection appropriate breeds of animal for different situations;
- Increase knowledge about management livestock accommodation, prepare feed, management healthy performance for livestock etc.;
- Knowledge about govt schemes in animal husbandry & dairy farming;
- To learn the techniques to establish the dairy as an entrepreneurship.
- Introduction & scope of Dairy farming
- Prepare & maintain livestock accommodation
- Establish livestock within accommodation
- Prepare feed & water management for livestock
- Maintain healthy performance of livestock
- Performing hand & machine milking
- Livestock insurance
- Govt schemes in dairy farming & animal husbandry(NABARD, Department of animal husbandry & dairy)
- Dairy as an entrepreneurship
- Scientific methods of animal husbandry
- Nutrient for animals to increase their productions
- Process of insurance of livestock
- The process to start a Dairy
- Government schemes to promote animal husbandry and dairy
A training program on animal husbandry and dairy management was organised under skill development camp for people with disabilities from 20th Oct to 23rd Oct 2016. The training was organised at KrishiVigyan Kendra (KVK), chittorgarhand total 40 disabled people attended the training.
In case of livelihood of poor, it is very obvious that their livelihood is primarily based on agriculture, Livestock, and wage laborer. After wage labor, the agriculture is the second most appropriate source of livelihood (food security in other words) for rural population but across the land this is solely based on rain that is viewed and get affected as a gamble.
The large numbers of disabled people live in rural areas & their livelihood source is agriculture generally. The family whose are depend on agriculture, they do the animal husbandry in rural area & the Milk is the product of livestock that is being sold at the dairy & to be sold to the customers of the villages directly.
After agriculture, the animal husbandry & milk selling is other most important & broad source activity for livelihood sustainability. This activity came out during livelihood survey in the field & Most of disabled people have already engaged and having interest in this activity.
Objectives of the training-
The Points covered in training were
The training was started with heartily welcome note by Mr. KamleshJangid (DPM_SSIP). He expected & requested the participants to attend the training very actively and inspired them to get more and more knowledge through the training.
Other session was facilitated by Mr. Kamlesh Sharma (Block Incharge_SSIP) to explore the expectations of the participants with this training. The expectations of the participants mentioned below-
A session was facilitated by Dr. Suresh Jingar (Subject Specialist from KrishiVigyan Kendra). He discussed on the broad scope of animal husbandry and dairy for people with disabilities as easier and profitable livelihood. He explained that they can adopt many livelihood options during animal husbandry i.e. nutritive feed for cattle, natural pesticide, organic manure from cow-dung, milk and its co-products. The disabled people can also involve in marketing of livestock.
DrJingar discussed about prepare and maintenance of accommodation for livestock through a presentation and video. He described that there should be a sufficient space and arrangement of water and feed in cattle ranch. A space of 8X6 square fts is sufficient for one cattle. The cattle should be kept in shadow and should be protect from sun-light. The limestone may be used to stop wet the accommodation from their urine.
DrJingar facilitated the participants about the importance of nutritive feed for cattle to keep them healthy and increase their productivity. He also prepared a nutritive feed for cattle and expected that the disabled people may be used this nutritive feed as a livelihood option and also explained about the importance of ‘Azola grass’ for cattle. DrMukesh Sharma (Senior veterinary Doctor and Specialist from Pashuanushandhan Kendra, Chittorgarh) facilitated a session on types of breeding of a cattle, precaution at the time of selection of a breed and purchasing of a livestock. He also discussed the methods of milking by hands and machine in detail.
Dr VS Rav (Doctor from govt veterinary Hospital, Chittorgarh) facilitated a session on maintain health performance of livestock. He explained the potential diseases in cattle i.e. Johne’s disease, Diphtheria, foot and mouth disease etc. and its prevention. He suggested the participants for regular vaccination of livestock and to keep a record.
DrKiranChoudhary (Subject Specialist from Saras Dairy) explained the structure and mechanism of Dairy. She also discussed that how a disabled people can adopt this activity as entrepreneur and what preparations they have to make before start the business. She introduced the instruments and machines using this activity. She discussed about the process for taking a Saras booth in their villages and also discussed on marketing of milk and its co-products.
DrMangesh Joshi (Dept. director of Department of Animal Husbandry Chittorgarh) introduced the insurance policy of livestock and various methods of Veterinary. He also explained the misconceptions of treatment in the villages and requested to take away the livestock to hospital for treatment.
Third day of training program, a milk collection Centre at Devari and a milk corporative society at Segwa were visited. Mr Shanti lal and DilipMoad (Owner of Dairy Centre) discussed about the problem faces when a collection Centre and cooperative society will operate. They show the instruments and machines and its functions. After that a visit was done on Saras Dairy plant Chittorgarh. The group was led by DrKiranChoudhary. She facilitated in all the sections of Dairy plant one by one and explained the functions in detail.
At the last moment of training, Mr. MadanGiriGoshwami (Asst. Coordinator, CUTS CHD) delivered thanks to the participants for attend the training and make it successfully. He also encouraged them to adopt animal husbandry and dairy as a livelihood activity.