One of the main reasons of exploitation of rural people in India is their pre-literacy, poor knowledge and lack of understanding of the judicial and legal system of the country. Even those who are aware are often handicapped by lack of finance and thus are unable to seek benefit from the judicial system.
As a result, the unscrupulous people possessing power cash on this ignorance and incapability to amass more wealth. Based on this hard reality, the Centre undertook a Rural Legal Literacy Project (RLLP).
The Centre successfully implemented the RLLP in Chittorgarh and Ajmer districts of Rajasthan. Five blocks of Chittorgarh and four blocks of Ajmer respectively, were selected and about 20 villages were covered in each district. A manual entitled ‘Logo Tak Nyaya’ (Justice to People) was published.
The objective of the project was to create awareness among rural poor and weaker sections of society, i.e. tribals, backward castes and women – awareness about their rights guaranteed to them as citizens of India. A total of 25 target group training was carried out and 547 people got training out of which 202 were women. The Ford Foundation, New Delhi office, supported this project.