18 January 2017
CHILDLINE Team Bhilwara celebrated open house in with 500 Girls Student of Government High Secondary MarudharaMansinghaBalika School, Bhilwara on Child Rights- POCSO 2102 and JJ Act 2015 on 18 January 2017

CUTS CHILDLINE Team Member Vinita Vaishnav and Hemantsingh introduced about program, they told that this Mission to aware about CHILDLINE 1098. We introduce to dignitary guest, Assistant Superintendent of Police Puran Singh Bhati, CWC-Bhilwara Chairperson-SumanTrivedi, CWC Board Member- AshaRamawat and Head of School.Puran Singh Bhati (Assistant Superintendent of Police-Bhilwara) delivered a message to students and present official dignities and school administration that we have two act for child Rights, like POCSO 2012, JJ ACT 2015 in our India each and every child, who has rights.If you find any crime related child if inform to 1098.
Mr singh told that CHILDLINE 1098 is very most and popular helpline for child. If need child care and protection any time for get help, please dial@ 1098 because the CHILDLINE is working 24*7.
Dr.SumanTrivedi Chairperson, Child Welfare Committee gave message regarding sanitation to girl child and message about that all girl must be aware about their rights.
AshaRamawatMember of Child Welfare Committee gave message to child if you need help in any emergency please us toll free 1098. If needed more help, please come to Child welfare committee.Girl gave promise and oath that if we will find like this, we will call to CHILDLINE 1098.
CUTS CHILDLINE Coordinator Radhe S Vaishnav Thanked to all participants and given their valuable time in program and thanked to Head Teacher for help during open House on Child Rights.