About Project
CUTS Centre for Human Development implementing “Netra Vasant” Rural Eye Health Project with supported by Sighsavers (Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind), is implementing in 8 Blocks of Chittorgarh district.
Undertake awareness activities i.e. facilitate flow of patients to the eye camps and hospital, training to health workers, preliminary screening, support to base hospital in planning or conduct camps, publicity, linkage with local stakeholders, networking, follow-ups of patient before or after surgeries.
Duration of the project
May 2018 to Continue
Key activities
- Undertake awareness generation on Eye Health through Eye Health Education session in the community to facilitate flow of patients to the camps and hospital,
- Undertake training of ASHAs and other Community Health workers using the designated materials.
- Visit to field and undertake prelimnary screening and refer identified cataract patients to camps on selected dates and locations. Support the base hospital in effective planning and organizing the camps,
- Plan and undertake publicity of Eye Health camps to ensure maximum output and increase flow of cataract patients to these camps.
- Use of publicity materials, place banners, posters at appropriate locations, distribute pamphlets, engage with local representatives on eye health camps,
- Develop linkages with local NGOs, PRIs and local leaders for effective execution of camps and maximize outputs Develop linkages with the PHCs, CHCs and Local Authorities on trainings and camp plans.
- Ensure operated patients report to the follow up camps organized for all follow ups.
- Follow up with patients identified with cataract in camps who have not reported to the base hospital for surgeries.
- Collect the list of operated patients and identified patients and follow up with them.
Key achievements
- Increased awareness among rural community on eye health through mass awareness activities, pamphlets distribution.
- Eye screening Camps were conducted where cataract patients identified and later referred to District Government Hospital for their eye surgery;
- In July 2018 to Apr 2019 months total 4651 patient eye screened, 882 cataract patient identified and 501 admitted into government hospital for eye surgeries.
- ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) trainings were conducted in all 8 blocks. Given the information about importance of eyesight, problem and prevention to ASHA workers, role of ASHAs workers in rural eye health, eye care campaign, maintaining eye patient register and refer eye patient into screening camp, Over 400 ASHA works trained