JAN MANGAL Couple Training Programme

The absolute growth in population was coupled with low acceptance of spacing methods, high infant mortality rates and lack of adequate knowledge of permanent and, particularly, reversible methods of contraception.

Poor contact between the community and Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) meant that the community did not perceive her as a source of reversible contraceptives (Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) and condoms).

The JAN MANGAL Project was therefore developed to generate awareness in community, create demand for family planning products and address socio-cultural barriers.

The programme was carried out by unpaid volunteer husband and wife (in most cases) teams known as JAN MANGAL Couples (JMCs), recruited by the ANMs after consultation with community members using a pre-decided selection criteria.

Government of Rajasthan has started JAN MANGAL JODA programme for Population stability and reduction of maternal and child death ratio. Main responsibility of JAN MANGAL couples are motivating eligible couples for adopting family planning methods for small family and providing temporary family planning methods to couples as per there requirement.

JAN MANGAL couple Training programme was implemented by CUTS Centre for Human Development during November 2010 to March 2011.

The Project was funded by Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Rajasthan.

Subjects covered under trainings:

  • Population of state, health Scenario and health indicators.
  • Reproductive and child health programme (Activities & Services).
  • Adolescent and reproductive health.
  • Menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
  • Reproductive tract infections/ sexually transmitted disease.
  • Types of family planning, methods specific and nonspecific, temporary and permanent.
  • Safe motherhood and safe abortion.
  • Social evils.
  • Counselling and communication skills.
  • Records of JAN MANGAL Couples.


  • Identification of untrained and new JAN MANGAL Couples.
  • One to one contact with participants for attending training.
  • Three days training on various relevant issues.
  • Regular follow-up and monitoring.



  • 325 Couples (JAN MANGAL JODA) were trained by 15 batches in 11 blocks of Chittorgarh district.
  • Qualitative:

  • Increased knowledge about reproductive and child health.
  • Increased knowledge and awareness regarding family planning methods.
  • Created awareness and sensitized regarding safe motherhood and safe abortion.
  • Aware about role and responsibility of JAN MANGAL couple.
  • Increased communication skills.
  • Enhanced capacity for records maintenance and forms filling process.
  • Capable for organizing community meeting.
  • Generated demands of temporary family planning methods in rural areas.