Workshop on capacity building for group of disabled people
06 May, 2015
Capacity building for group of disabled people
6 May, 2015
Capacity building for group of disabled people
25 May, 2015
Disabled People Benefitted through Welfare Camps
May 27-28, 2015, Gangrar & Nimbahera block
Workshop on IEC Material Development/ Bcc Strategy
May 29-30, 2015, Chittorgarh
Rajasthan Social Inclusion Programme Orientation & Refresher Training
Chittorgarh, May 12-13, 2015
Two days staff orientation & refresher training programme was organized by CUTS Centre for Human Development at CHD campus under ‘Rajasthan Social Inclusion Programme’ supported by Sightsavers from 12th to 13th May, 2015. Total no. of participants was 13 including new RSIP staff & resource person.
First day (12th May) – The training was started at 9.00am. Kamlesh Kumar Jangid (Project Coordinator) shared the schedule of the training and some description of all the session. A pre assessment of staff about RSIP project was facilitated by Kamlesh Kumar Jangid through a questionnaires’’’. The assessment included multiple-choice questions about RSIP program, Act for PwDs, social security schemes, types, causes & identification of disabilities, Social inclusion, eye health care & inclusive education etc. to understand the knowledge level about RSIP project.
After assessment, a session on introduction & objectives of RSIP was facilitated by Kamlesh Kumar Sharma (Block In charge – Nimbahera). He started with objectives of Community Based Rehabilitation Programme. He shared the goal of RSIP project that Disabled people in Rajasthan are equal members of society and enjoy enhanced quality of life. He added that Rajasthan social inclusion programme is being implementing from August 2014 to July, 2019 in the supporting of Sightsavers(Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind). This programme is being run by four partner organisations in five districts; He discussed about three major objectives of overall the projects are to facilitate enhanced opportunity for economic security of PWDs, to enable DPOs to advocate for the rights of disabled people & to enabling environment for effective implementation of policies.
Mr. Gauhar Mahmood (Centre coordinator- CUTS CHD) facilitated a session on types, causes, identification & classification of disabilities through power point presentation. He described disability as a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities and disabilities types through discussion.
He did conversation with participants on the causes & prevention of disabilities. There are some important factors that can be lead abnormalities or disabilities. (A) Before birth. (B) During Birth & after birth (C) Malnutrition (D) Accident (E)Infectious diseases-
After this fruitful session, Mr. OP Toshniwal (Deputy Director-Social Justice & Empowerment) joined us as a resource person. He gave some valuable information on social security schemes running by SJ&E. He discussed & delivered his suggestions on the problems facing by field staffs. Mr. Toshniwal shared that a subsidiary/loan schemes for disabled person for their economic empowerment, so he suggested to identified needy disabled person form project area. He shared about supportive aids are being provided by department for disabled person & prepared a plan for organise supportive camps in both blocks till December month of this year. He gave his thought on DPO strengthen that DPO members should motivated for involve in identification of beneficiaries, ensure the utilization of loan/subsidiary received by disabled person & support different types of camps.
After that Mr. Gauhar Mahmood (Centre Coordinator-CUTS CHD) introduced different act for People with Disability i.e. People with Disability (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & full participation) Act, 1995 & United Nation Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD) through PowerPoint presentation & discussion. He added that PwD Act, 1995 is a powerful weapon for disabled person to avail their rights. This Act described the disabilities in seven types with its identification. The act included the human rights, rights to education, rights to health, and rights to employment & makes the life of disabled person easy & enjoyable.
Mr. Madan Giri Goswami(Asst. Centre Coordinator) facilitated on inclusive development and livelihood through SHGs for disabled person in the society. He described inclusion as a stage in which a disabled person can be able to access all the services, become economic empowerment & can get equal opportunities as per their limitations. There are some barriers for person with disabilities that cause exclusion
He suggested that Self-help groups (SHGs) can be a way to remove all the barriers & to empower disabled persons. A good social and accessible platform may be created for PwDs to comes out them form their houses in which disabled person would be shared their problems, emotions & ideas. He will develop a savings habits & be able to engage in livelihood activities through SHGs. Major Issues i.e. Social/ health/educational, can be raised by SHG collectively.
Second day (13th May) – The training started 9.30 with review of last day which was facilitated by Mr. Gauhar Mahmood/Mr. Madan Giri/Mr. Kamlesh Kumar jangid. All the participants gave a look on the activities done by last day one by one.
Next session on skill development (DLS, Orientation & Mobility) for visual impaired was facilitated by Mrs. Gayatri Moad (Community Mobiliser) & Mr. Mohan Lal Meghawal (Trained by CBR Program). They discussed the status & anguish of a blind in society. They shared that Orientation and mobility training (O & M) helps a blind or visually impaired person know where he is in space and where he wants to go (orientation). It also helps him be able to carry out a plan to get there (mobility). Orientation and mobility skills should begin to be developed in infancy starting with basic body awareness and movement, and continuing on into adulthood as the individual learns skills that allow him to navigate his world efficiently, effectively, and safely.
After this session, Mr. OP Sharma (Resource person from Shree Sanvaliya Bahuddeshya Viklang Sewa Sansthan-Chanderiya) joined us to facilitate on social inclusion, enabling environment & inclusive education. He shared with sorrow that Persons with disabilities face discrimination and barriers that restrict them from participating in society on an equal basis with others every day. They are denied their rights to be included in the general school system, to be employed, to live independently in the community, to move freely, to vote, to participate in sport and cultural activities, to enjoy social protection, to access justice, to choose medical treatment and remains ‘invisible’, often side line in the rights debate and unable to enjoy the full range of human rights.
He added that if all the above listed barriers can be removed then school education or higher education can be accessible for all means awareness be spread on disability within the community, teachers be trained in special education, availability of aids & learning materials be increased in schools and all the building of schools be accessible for disabled persons.
After this fruitful session, Mr. Khemraj Choudhary (Resource person from Pratirodh Sansthan) facilitated a session on strengthening of DPO & characteristics of Social workers. He shared that social work is a challenging, rewarding, and dynamic field. But it’s also demanding profession, requiring emotional and personal maturity. He told the characteristics of social workers i.e. flexible, committed, confident, responsible, compassion etc. He introduced DPO (Disabled People Organisation) as an organization formed by persons with disabilities or their family members. Disabled person in majority represents in governing body of this organization. If any disabled people with Psychological problem not join the organization, their family members can join. There are two kinds of role for DPOs –
1. Information provision, advocacy and lobbying related activities
2. Support to provide specific services to people with disabilities
At End of the day, a post assessment as well as pre assessment was conducted for participants. Mr. Kamlesh Kumar Jangid delivered heartily thank to all the participants & resource persons.
District Level Consultation Pilot Project to Promote Organic Consumption in the State of Rajasthan (ProOrganic)
Chittorgarh, May 06, 2015
District level Consultation was organized by CUTS, Center for Human Development, on May 06, 2015, at CHD office Senthi Chittorgarh. More than 55 participants from 6 blocks of Chittorgarh were participated in which included farmers, resource persons and CUTS representatives from Jaipur & Chittorgarh.
Objective of the Consultation:
- To present, discuss and evaluate the activities conducted during last months of the project in terms of both output and outcome.
- The aim of the meeting was to formulate the strategies for future with farmers so as to come out with much more focused work on the issue in future.
- Under the project as one of the major activity and provided a platform to all the stakeholders to discuss these findings, CUTS CHD team along with DLOs did discuss about Organic farming in future and its value in market which portrayed the ground realities of organic consumption and production in the district of Chittorgarh, Rajasthan.
Inaugural Session: Mr. Gauhar Mahmood
In the beginning, Mr Gauhar Mahmood, (Centre Coordinator, CUTS CHD) welcomed to all the participants and delegates. He briefly introduced to all the participants about the organization and his working areas. He informed about objectives and expected outcome of consultation.
Mr Gauhar told that CUTS Centre for Human Development; Chittorgarh is working in 5 programmatic areas, a Pilot Project to Promote Organic Consumption and farming is being implementing by CUTS CHD in 32 GP of Chittorgarh & Pratapgarh districts.
Importance of Organic Farming in our Life and Nature: Dr. Rajendra Singh
Dr. Rajendra Singh (Program Coordinator, KVK-Chittorgarh) attended as keynote speaker. He said that chemical fertilizers are using by farmers for getting higher yields. He informed about side effects of chemical farming. Dr Rajendra Singh added that this habit is very harmful for us. There, new diseases are seeing by consumption of chemical food. He encouraged the farmers to change the habit and adopt pro organic agriculture. He suggested turning our farming method from Chemical to Organic. Dr. Singh shared the detail information about KVK activities for promoting organic farming. He told that we supported and helped to farmers in our area for adopting organic farming. He explained about Soil fertility, Multi variety cropping, Bio-fertilizers, Vermicomposting etc.
Schemes running by Department of Horticulture: Mr Nathu Lal Meghwal
Mr Nathu Lal Meghwal,, Department of Horticulture informed about government schemes which are running for increasing pro organic agriculture. He told that vermicompost is present need. He suggested to all farmers for increasing vermin-compost in agriculture. Detail information was given about process of production of vermin-compost as well as vermin-compost production grants scheme of government of Rajasthan. Mr Nathu Lal Megwal told about fruits plants process in using of ProOrganic and explained grant scheme of drip irrigation.
Organic Animal Husbandry: Dr. Sumer singh
District mobile unit in-charge department of animal husbandry Dr Sumer singh said that Animal husbandry is important source in rural area along with agriculture for income generation. He told that today, farmers are turning towards agriculture more than livestock, that’s not well. Livestock is based of organic farming.
Dr. Sumer Singh told about Native breed of various animals and suggested to give same importance it as well as agriculture. He described the symptoms of animal’s diseases & its home based treatment.
Project Progress and Key Research Findings
Objectives of the Project: Mr Amarjet Singh:-
Programme Coordinator from CUTS-CART, Jaipur Mr. Amarjet Singh shared the objectives of Project and also shared information about Project. He told that the project is to promote organic consumption in the state of Rajasthan (India) covering six major agriculture potential districts by awareness generation, sensitization, capacity building and advocacy activities. The project is being implementing in total 102 gram Panchayats, with 2 selected gram Panchayats each in 51 blocks in six districts. Increased awareness is expected to result in increased consumer demand which will further push demand for availability and affordability of organic products contributing towards decreasing health hazards to consumers.
Mr Amarjeet Singh Program Coordinator and Mr Dharmendra Chaturvedi from CUTS CART, through a power point presentation shared the details of activities implemented, under the project so far earmarking the outputs and major outcome from these activities. He told that in the first year of the project, activities like Project Launch and Partner Orientation Meeting, Action Research, six District-level Orientation with the farmer groups, six Exposure Visits of farmer groups were accomplished. In addition, several Information Education and Communication (IEC) material in the form of handouts were also printed and distributed to the participants. Presently, awareness Campaigns in 32 Panchayats are being conducted in Chittorgarh and Pratapgarh
Increase Active participation of women and youth: Mr Ganpat Lal Sharma
Mr. Ganpat Lal Sharma, Coordinator, Nehru Yuva Kender addressed the participants and said that women plays a significant role in agriculture. Organic agriculture is today’s needs. Increase Active participation of women and youth should be increased for promoting organic farming. He told that NYK will be created awareness about importance of organic farming in rural areas with supported by youth clubs in Chittorgarh.
Open Discussions
Open session was an interactive session with fruitfully discussion, participants from all section of the society raised concerns, over the rising trends of chemical farming, which is proving hazardous to public health. Few of the farmers from Dungla block of chittorgarh district, briefed about their efforts in promoting organic farming, while few farmers representatives tried to raise concern on government’s approach and attitude in providing support for promoting organic farming. It was good to know about the experience of farmers (Mr Maadhulal Jat and Mr Mohan Lal Menariya) who shared his approach and efforts towards organic agriculture from the grass root. Mr. Mohan lal shared his experience that he planted lemon’s garden and produced wheat’s in his farm that are purely organic.
Vote of Thanks
Mr Madan Lal Keer, Project Coordinator CUTS CHD summed-up the days’ proceedings with a vote of thanks to all stakeholders for their useful and active participation and requesting them to take a pledge to look the way forward and ensuring that the efforts and support of all would eventually help CUTS taking its initiatives to acquire success and taking to new heights and also to help in nurturing the ProOrganic project as a replicable model on organic farming issues.
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