District level Interface meeting on CPC
Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, March 15, 2013
‘A child in danger is a child that cannot wait,’ said Kofi Annan, and no truer statement could have been made in recent times where the level of development of a society, community or nation can be gauged by the extent of the protective environment in place for the child in need of care and protection. Recent incidents of child rape, sexual abuse and killing of young children brings to the forefront the need to strengthen the protective environment in which children and women of the country not only feel safe and secure but are also able to contribute to the well-being of society up to their maximum potential.
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 was presented by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment on 30th Dec. 2000 in the Parliament and received approval. By this the old Act of 1986 is replaced by the 2000 Act.JJ Act 2000 came into force from April 2001. Central Government formed Rules to JJ Act in June 2001. The State Governments were expected to form State Rules. Government of India launch ICPS (Integrated Child Protection Schemes), it’s a umbrella and it comes under JJ Act, CWC, JJB, SJPU, DCPU etc. at higher level formed a commission called NCPCR (National commission for Protection of Child RIghts) and then formed a state level commission in each and every state ”State Child Protection commission for Child Rights”. In Rajasthan it’s called RCPCR and then followed by District level Child protection Unit (DCPU), Block Level Child Projection Committee and at bottom is Gram Panchayat Level Child Protection Committee. In Rajasthan process is going on progress to formation of those committee and units at all district and in Chittorgarh district that process has been completed and now we are going to organize orientation cum training workshop for them in Chittorgarh district at each and every level in association with ICPS department.
For more information, please contact:
Dharmveer Yadav (Chittorgarh)- 88890841068, dy@cuts.org