
Visually Impaired Learnt Daily Living Skill

June 22-26, 2015, Chittorgarh

A five days skill development camp (O&M, DLS) for visually impaired people, was organized at campus of CUTS Centre for Human Development with 21 visually impaired people including 5 female participants. The training was residential from 22nd to 26th June, 2015.

The major objectives of imparting the training were-

  • a) Enable them to carry out day to day activities with the least possible external assistance and with safety;
  • b) Help them to be self-sufficient in all functional activities;
  • c) Instill confidence to enable them to be socially integrated;
  • d) Develop healthy personal and family relationship;
  • e) Learn scientific management of self & home;
  • f) Became aware of safety precautions to be taken in the home;
  • g) Reduce dependence upon the care-takers;
  • h) Develop a positive self-image; and
  • i) Expedite comprehensive rehabilitation including economic independence.

The major aspects covered in the activity were to sensory development in their surrounding environment, daily living skills activity comprise everything entailed in human life and relationship like personal hygiene, grooming, social graces, and toilet activities, Orientation skills that enable the person with Visual Impaired to use sensory information to move purposefully in the environment, Mobility skills that incorporate those O&M techniques that promote movement through the environment with safety and ease and Conceptual development. Read More