Mid-Day Meal Scheme
A two-day introductory workshop of 30 surveyors was organised at CUTS CHD premises on February 02, 2006. The objective of the workshop was to analyse the status of Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS), in which survey report was presented.
This report contains comprehensive interviews and survey forms (to be filled by the interviewees) of 2110 children, 2110 wards and 422 MDMS officials from the 211 selected schools of 14 panchayat samitis.
‘Hamara Manch’- Rural Girl Empowerment Programme
CUTS CHD with the support of Save the Children (UK) organised a two-day training seminar of networkers under ‘Hamara Manch-the rural girl empowerment programme’ on February 23-24, 2006 at Chittorgarh.
Through the medium of Bal Panchayats the networkers were provided training on issues including: why the boys need life skills; what qualities should be there in a life partner; whom friendship should be done with and how implementation of information dissemination should achieved effectively.