Divisional level Advocacy Meeting on Road Safety Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill 2016held at Hotel Padmini, Chittorgarh on May 09, 2017, the objective was to discuss changes made in the motor vehicles (Amendment) bill, 2017 and advocate for its early enactment. More than 70 participants representing 5 districts comprising District Collector Chittorgarh, District Transport Officer, Incharge- traffic police, In charge Ambulance service, consumer activists, NGOs, legal expert, academician, accident victims and other concerned stakeholder participated.
Inaugural session, George Cheriyan, Director CUTS International welcoming guests, speakers and participants and he said India has only two per cent of vehicle population but accounts more than 10 per cent of road accident of the world and there is an increase of road accidents by 2.5 per cent in 2015 and speeding was the single largest cause for accidents, followed by drunk driving and less use of helmets. He called all participants to advocate for its speedy enactment.
Mr Inderjeet Singh, District Collector shared about the Hamsafar Apps, initiatives by himself to reduce the fatality and expressed that the early passage of bill can ensure more safety and prevent people dying on Indian roads, Vibhor Gupta Founder & Director, Weekendr Innovation Labs Pvt Ltd has developed the Hamsafar Apps and how it works, he presented to audience. NL Choudhry, Road safety expert presented an overview of road safety scenario in India and remarked that if we are able to reduce the speed limit, a lot of accident can be prevented.

IgnishKhatri, District Transport Officer mentioned that every aspect of road safety is on government’s priority, they mentioned that good provisions have been made in the bill regarding the online licence/vehicle fitness, developing driving skills, third party insurance etc, will be very useful to further strengthen it. Tina Solanki, Incharge Traffic Police emphasised on the need of strengthening the public transport and promoting shared mobility so that pressure of roads can be reduced and minimised, She added that a quality marked helments for two wheeler will help reduce risk of accident deaths in a big way.
The consumer activists stated that in order to reduce accidents it is necessary to educate road users. Incharge Ambulance services spoke on to address problems of accident victims, and how speedy treatment to victims can be provided. Many questions were raised by participants regarding the road safety measures which were responded by expert speakers.
Three road victims shared their experience as a survivors or death to her family member in road accident focussed the teaching people and appealed everyone to take strict safety measures.
Deepak Saxena and Madhu Sudan Sharma from CART summarised the proceedings and its key take away will be shared with policymakers with take it up further.
GauharMahmood welcomed the guests whereas MadanGiriGoswami thanked to all participants and resource person in three technical sessions for taking this advocacy efforts of CUTS forward.