The other workshop was organized at CUTS Centre for human Development, chittorgarh on 27th December 2016. Total 26 SHG members were participated from two new formed self-help groups of disabled people namely SamaveshCharbhuja from MishrokiPipali&SamaveshKrishana from Odundtogether.
The workshop was started at 11.00 am with the introduction of each participants with their name, village, name of group & what they have expectation from workshop in the facilitation of Mrs. Gaytrimoad (Community Mobilizer- RSIP).

The objectives of workshop were shared by Mrs, GaytriMoad as a group formed in the membership of People with disabilities, develop a common understanding on SHG, its advantages & dynamics of Self-help group. The main objective of the group will be to mainstreaming of PwDs in community, address the basic issues towards PwDs welfare & community, advocacy for those issues & empower disabled person through SHG.Mrs. Moad discussed with the participants on meaning of disability, types, and causes, negative aspects of disabilities in community & prevention of disability. He introduced ‘Rajasthan Social Inclusion Programme’ as a programme focusing on economic empowerment of visually impaired people as well as other person with disabilities and developing/ strengthening the networking of people with disabilities at state as well as district administration and leading to social inclusion of all PwDs.
This programme is focusing on bringing about a change in outlook towards disabled people among all stakeholders

including government thereby developing an enabling environment for disabled people to avail their rights.After this discussion, a session was facilitated by Mr. Mohan Meghwal on understanding on means of SHG its advantages & dynamics of a group. Mr. Meghwal started the session with playing a short video ’Prayas’ (A video showing economic empowerment through SHG). In this video Ramlali is an inspirational character who is Orthopedic Handicapped. Being a handicapped, she is working like normal person. She joined SHG & became economic empower with joyful life. This video was helpful to understanding the group dynamic and role of group in community mobilization.
After this session, another session was also taken by MrsGayatriMoad on savings benefits, internal loaning, process of bank linkages & credit linkages. The main objective of SHG is to promote savings & group has an account & can benefits of govt. schemes & will start its income generation activity collectively.
After this session, MrDilip Singh (DPO president) directed the SHG members towards income generation activities in group. An inspirable video ’Ganga-Jamuna’ was played that showed the comparison of two women one joined SHG with regular saving & other one didn’t. A woman purchased a sewing machine with the financial help through SHG & starting sewing. All the members of SHG involved in sewing & they established its factory at broad level. In the discussion on video, MrsMoad added that SHG group can start an income generation activity at low level first with a low invest. After this session, MrsMoad delivered a heartily thank to make workshop successful by better participation.