16 September, 2016
- Understanding on disability, its types, negative aspects in community, causes of disability, inclusion & objectives of RSIP program;
- Sensitizing general members which are included in SHG & in community through these members;
- Understanding on SHG, its advantages & dynamic of group;
- To facilitate group leader in writing basic books of accounts, saving, loan, resolution writing ,rule framing;
- To orient the group on some essential feature of group management like holding meeting, importance of saving, credit, transparency, bank linkage, social participation and livelihood enhancement plan.
- The workshop was started at sharp11.00 am. After registration of participants, an introductory session was facilitated by Gayatri Moad (Community Mobilizer-SSIP) in which each participants introduced themselves with their name, residence & about their family.
A capacity building workshop was organised at CHD campus on 16th of September, 2016. This workshop was held for four new formed SHGs of disabled people namely Samavesh Asha SHG from Ghatiyawaali, Samavesh Bajarang bali SHG from Ochhadi, Samavesh Bajarang bali from Gilund & Samavesh Chharbhuja SHG from Oradi together. Total no. of participants was 31 SHG members.
Objectives of Workshop-

Kamlesh Kumar Jangid (DPM_SSIP) facilitated a session on what is disability, types of disability, negatives aspects in community towards disabled people, act for people with disability, definition of inclusion, introduction of RSIP program & its objectives. ‘Disability a challenges in Hindi’ a short video was played & discussed with participants what ever happening in video. This discussion was helpful to understand that Disability is the consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these. Impairment is a problem in body function or structure; an activity limitation is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action. A disability may be present from birth, or occur during a person’s lifetime.
He discussed with participants about types of disability, causes of disability & negative aspects in community towards disabled people. Types of disability were discussed in detail. Participants shared that disability can be occurred to child during pregnancy, due to malnutrition, incomplete vaccination of Mother & child, unsafe delivery & due to any accidents. Poverty & illiteracy can be the other reasons of disability. They added that general community uses bitter & sore words for disabled people & consider them burden in society. The lack of sensitisation in community creates condition of disabled people seriously. It’s need to work on their thought & feeling about anguish of disabled.

After this fruitful discussion, a session was facilitated by Gayatri Moad on SHG, its advantages & dynamic of group by presentation. After presentation a short video ‘Prayas’ was played in which two aspects (Before & after involve in SHG) of Ramlalli (A female character who is orthopedic handicapped) was shown. A discussion on video was facilitated. He added that self-help groups may be a step to economic empowerment of people with disabilities. This video was helpful to understand about SHG, its objectives, advantages, dynamics of group & role of SHG in mobilization to community at the disability, development, health & other core issues in their areas & how will do advocacy for these issues.
After this session, another session was also taken by Goverdhan Pareek(Community Mobilizer_SSIP) on savings benefits, internal loaning, process of bank linkages & credit linkages. The main objective of SHG is to promote savings & group has an account & can benefits of govt. schemes & will start its income generation activity collectively.
After that, a video ‘Ganga-Jamuna’ (an initiative of SHG for livelihood activities) was played. Mr. Kamlesh Kumar Jangid facilitated this session to promote SHG towards livelihood & introduce schemes for livelihood promotion. He discussed on played video.
Mr. Jangid advised the SHG members to started produce material i.e.candles, making incense stick, papad making, Achar making etc. These are the activities in which high profits can be earn in low invest.