Asha Kiran (A Ray of Hope)-Children Send Back to School Programme

Introduction to the Program:-

About T-E-A-C-H program-
Rotary InternationaL’s successful ‘End Polio’ program that resulted in eradication of polio totally from India and from nearly 99% of the world ; has motivated the Rotarians in South Asia to work towards ‘Total Literacy and Quality Education ’.

The objective of Rotary India Literacy Mission (RILM), formerly known as Rotary South Asia Society for Development and Cooperation (RSAS) is Total literacy and Quality Education in India. To achieve that, RILM have designed a comprehensive program called ;T-E-A-C-H, where T stands for Teacher Support, E for E-learning, A for Adult Literacy, C for Child Development and H for Happy Schools. Each of these components has a specific focus and it is interlinked with each other in achieving the common goal of bringing total literacy and improving learning outcomes among students in various parts of the country.

Child Development project:-

ASHA KIRAN – A ray of hope is the name given to the Child Development initiative to send 150,000 out of school children back to school. Under Child development program, children from vulnerable communities who have never been enrolled to any School or have been dropped out of school, are sent back to school after required brushing up. The objective is to facilitate these children’s access to mainstream state funded primary / elementary schools. Criteria for selection of children under Asha Kiran project of Rotary India Literacy Mission (RILM):

  • Children between age group 7 to 14 years
  • Who have never been to school ; or
  • Who are not attending school but nominally enrolled, irregular, laggard or absent for more than 45 days without informing the school

Priorities to be given to following socially vulnerable groups:

Children from socially and economically disadvantaged and vulnerable communities like children of migrant workers, victims of child labour practices, tribal communities and children in need of care and protection etc.

The activity sets included in this project broadly, are:

Sl. No. Activity Responsibility Timeline in Months
1 Identify children as per Asha Kiran criteria and organizing screening NGO 1
2 Screening of children at location RILM 2
3 Uploading of child profile at RILM website NGO 2/3
4 Selection and training of Asha Kiran teachers NGO 2/3
5 Bring these children to intermediary centre and provide necessary supplemental education to improve their learning abilities NGO 4 to 12
6 Evaluate learning ability; prepare the children to bring their learning abilities in their age appropriate level NGO 4 to 12
7 RILM visit to Asha Kiran Centers to assess the progress of children RILM 5 to 8
8 Enrollment /re-enrollment and regularization of children in local Govt. or Govt. aided schools NGO 6/8
9 Counsel and encourage the parents to continue to send their children to regular formal schools NGO 4 to 12
10 Monitor the attendance of the children in schools for 3 to 6 months after Enrollment /re-enrollment in Govt. schools NGO 6 to 12
11 RILM visit to schools to understand the impact of the program RILM 11 to 14


Financial support to be provided under Asha Kiran program in following manner:-

The Asha Kiran Program is twelve months project.
The activities will be done as follows:

  • Child at the time of admission of the children in Asha Kiran center. This will take place after the identification, approval and uploading of Children’s data at RILM website.
  • Completion of 3 months in the center, The child must attend the informal study center regularly (at least 75% attendance), A monthly progress report has to be uploaded at RILM website for each child.
  • When the child gets admitted to formal school or start going regularly to government or government aided school, And monthly progress report has to be uploaded at RILM website for each child, Children mainstreamed validation by RILM
  • After the child completes 3 months of formal school with regular attendance (at least 75%), Monitoring report has to be submitted to RILM, Submission of stipulated documents to RILM.

Outcomes of the project –

The end of project 400 out of school children from Bhilwara

Area of intervention –

Bhilwara district will be in target group. will be enrolled through school drive campaign at government or government aided school after successfully attended Asha Kiran Centres for supplemental education to improve their learning abilities. Vulnerable community i.e. migrant labour, tribal community will aware about free and compulsory elementary education. Enrolment will increase of 7 to 14 years old children in project area.

All enrolled children will go to regular in school and complete elementary education. Retention will increased of school going children as well as Increased friendly environment at school and educational related problems will solve by concern department. 10 Teachers will train in providing supplementary education to children through ASHA centers. Identified children will provide necessary supplementary education to improve their learning abilities, Subsequently the children will be enrolled in government or aided school. The children will go regular school as their parents will be encourage and counselled to their children.